Caja, the story was beautiful! So special. F. was absolutely absorbed by it. Thank you, it made the day so special.
Heb je zin in een verjaardag vol wonderen? Dan is een mooi verteld verhaal vast iets voor jou! We kunnen van tevoren afspreken welk verhaal het wordt, dan kan iedereen vast verkleed komen. Of je kan zeggen wat voor verhalen je mooi vindt en dan verras ik je op de dag zelf.
Neem contact op als dat je leuk lijkt en dan praten we erover.
Gage is €100,00 exclusief 9% btw. Deze prijs geldt voor een feestje op een locatie in Den Haag, waarvoor Caja zelf bepaalt welke verhalen ze vertelt.
Would you love a birthday party filled with wonder? Then a well told story on the day is definitely something for you! We can decide together which stories I will tell, so you and your friends can dress up. Or you can tell me what kind of stories you like and I will surprise you.
Contact me so we can talk about it.
Fee is €100,00 excluding 9% btw. This price is valid for a birthday party at a location in The Hague, for which Caja will choose her own stories.
Caja, the story was beautiful! So special. F. was absolutely absorbed by it. Thank you, it made the day so special.
I would like to thank you one more time for the magic that you brought to the birthday parties. The stories, engagement with kids, feeling of “magic is around” that you always bring with you – it all was amazing. Since the parties our little S. and C. were asking for you; they can’t wait to hear you again. And today S. was doing “fingers running to the knee… to the head… etc” exercise that you showed them on Sunday.